Judges are advised to downgrade contestants who fail to emphasize the prepared oration and the assigned topic discourse on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government. Judges can downgrade a contestant up to 10 points for failure to speak about the Constitution. The contest chairman will announce any time violations for contestants. A penalty of one point for each minute, or fraction thereof, shall be assessed toward the contestant’s total score.
Following the last assigned topic discourse, the judges, timekeepers, tabulators and contest chairman will proceed to a private room for final review and tabulation.
* 1st Place winner of the Local Post contests will advance to the District level contest.
District Four Oratorical Contest to be held on TBA, Contact:
* 1st Place winner of the District contests will advance to the Area level contests.
Area 4 Oratorical Contest to be held on TBA, Location Ackworth Contact: TBD
* 1st Place winner of the Area contests will advance to the Department level contest.
Department of Georgia (State) Contest to be held on TBA at Historic Mary Persons Auditorium, 27 Brooklyn Ave, Forsyth GA 31029, Contact: Joe Bishop, scjjcb@windstream.net
* 1st Place winner of the Department contest will advance to the National level contest.
Oratorical Contest National Finals
The 2024 National Finals Contest will be held at Hillsdale College on Friday - Sunday, TBA @ Hillsdale College, 33 East College St, Hillsdale, MIchigan 49242. Quarterfinal and semifinal contests will be Saturday,n May 18th, 2024. The championship contest will be Sunday, TBA, 2025.
All contestants and chaperones will arrive on Friday
TBA. All contestants and chaperones will be lodged in a dormitory on the Hillsdale College Campus. The Contestant & their chaperone will have their travel expenses & lodging covered by Dept of GA in Michigan.
A mandatory pre-contest orientation session for all contestants will be on Friday evening. A banquet honoring all contestants will be held on Sunday following the Finals. All contestants and chaperones will depart for home later that Sunday afternoon.