


Prior to Boys State, each citizen is encouraged to write a bill for debate in the House and Senate.

A State General Election will take place, in which the Boys State Governor and other State Officials will be elected.

The fee of $250.00 is paid by the Legion Posts. The fee shall not be paid by citizens, parents or any family member of a citizen.

The Legion Posts raise the fees through donations, fund raisers and various other sources.


Prior to applying to Boys State, every applicant will receive a Medical Examination Form which must be signed by a physician, determining whether or not this citizen is physically qualified to participate fully in the Program. The Medical Examination Form must be submitted with the application.

Infirmary facilities and medical personnel will be provided throughout the week, to render any needed medical attention to citizens and staff members.


Once the boys' applications have been received, an information packet will be mailed to each boy and a confirmation email will be sent to each boy who submits an email address.

The Packet includes Very Urgent Information, complete instructions on rules and regulations, general information, what to bring from home and other facts which citizens should know before leaving home for Boys State; Parents Waiver, Key Agreement, Scholarship Information and the Boys State Pledge. The packets may be downloaded from the Boys State website at www.georgialegion.org/forms .

The forms must be filled out in a timely manner.

If you have not received your Packet by May 15th, 2022, please contact American Legion Post 50 Boys State Coordinator, Gary Munson, PTCMunson@gmail.com or (770) 631-4699.


Citizens must report to the campus of Gordon State College, 419 College Drive, Barnesville, GA 30204 between 1pm & 3pm on Sunday, June 12th, 2022 and they will return home on Saturday, JUNE 18th, 2022 at 1pm.

LUNCH will NOT be provided on Sunday; arrangements must be made prior to arriving at Boys State.

Once the citizen has registered, they are not allowed to leave to eat lunch. make sure you have eaten lunch before arriving on campus.

Inauguration and Graduation will be SAT, JUNE 18th, 2022 at 845am. doors open for guests at 8:15am.

The Post sponsoring you is responsible for providing transportation to Boys State but the citizen and/or his family will be responsible to get you home after graduation.